Automate code standards validation with Composer, Git Hooks and PHPCodeSniffer
clean code composer git phpcsRecently I had to setup a new project and like always I prefer to enforce the code standards on the project so that I don’t need to worry about this ever again. Because I realized there are a lot of people who don’t know how this could be accomplished I decided to write a short post about this, maybe it helps others out there. We will use composer, pre-commit git hook and off course phpcs to automate code quality checks.
How to properly load local dependencies with composer
composer local dependenciesSometime you may find yourself working on an application and needed to load some local package, component or fork in
order for you to be able to temporarily try some things and keep everything clean and organized while you’re
You’re first thought could be to copy the package content into your vendor
directory or even symlink it. But that’s
the ugly way to do this, fortunately there’s a better way.
Welcome 2018, goodbye 2017...
personalToday is the first day of the brand new year and I felt it is time to come back here and start writing. I would like to do a short retrospective of the year that just finished.
Code Camp Iasi Oct. 2017
hexagonal architecture DDD clean code CQRS event sourcing TDDOn 28 October 2017, I had the pleasure to participate with some of my colleagues at a new edition of CodeCamp, an event that facilitate communication between IT professionals, where we were Diamond Sponsors. The conference took place in Iasi at International Hotel and all the attendees had the opportunity to meet eMAG’s cool team, talk with my colleagues about our projects and also take Quizes with tehnical questions, to win personalized prizes.
Compile your assets with Symfony Encore
symfony encore webpack manage assetsThese days I’m playing with Symfony Encore, the new tool for managing assets in Symfony 3.3. It is a tool inspired from Laravel Mix which is the asset manager from Laravel Framework, build by Jeffrey Way the owner of Laracasts. At the time Jeff created Mix, I wanted to use it on Symfony projects, so I decided to wrap laravel-mix package into a symfony bundle. So elixir-mix-bundle was created. If you used it already, Symfony Encore will look a lot like it.
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